Learning Specialist Program

The following page contains materials I created for the Learning Specialist Program at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

The image contains a flyer providing a description and key highlights of the Learning Specialist Program

Learning Specialist Program Flyer


I designed this flyer to provide an overview to perspective students and staff members who were interested in enrolling in the Learning Specialist program. The flyer provides a description of the program, highlights key features of the program, and provides readers with contact information to receive further information about the program. 

Tools Used: Canva


Having worked as a Learning Specialist for a number of years I was already a subject matter expert on the program. Using my background knowledge on the topic, I created a mock-up of the design, and then solicited the feedback of past members of the program to ensure that the most important features of the program were highlighted. After receiving feedback on the contents and design of the flyer, I reevaluated and then improved the design of the flyer. Ultimately the flyer was administered to perspective clients digitally and in print format at tabling events. 

Models of Disability


I designed this comparison chart to help students understand the various models of disability and how the models may impact them throughout their education journey and beyond. Each student's journey to understand their disability and the way it affects their life is unique, and many students will encounter roadblocks within their journey as a result of systemic factors. This chart was used to help students understand the various models of disability so that they were better equipped to navigate systemic challenges. 

Tools Used: Canva


I designed this infographic after collaborating on the content with a fellow Learning Specialist. Frequently during our meetings with students, we found that students were frustrated with various systemic challenges they faced as they navigated the many systems of the university. The infographic was created to give students an overview of the various models of disability, and how they may encounter them throughout their time at the univers

Student Transitions Guide: High School vs. College


I designed this guide to support students with disabilities transitioning from high school to college. Most students are challenged by the transition from high school to college, however, this transition can provide additional roadblocks for students with disabilities. The guide compares the differences in high school and college on key topics such as Student and Parent Roles, Class structure and norms, and differences in applicable laws and documentation.

Tools Used: Canva


Having worked as a Learning Specialist for a number of years I found myself supporting clients with similar issues regarding the transition from high school to college. Using my experience with the topic, I created several categories of questions that clients commonly asked for support with. After creating the categories, I generated a series of FAQs for each topic. To ensure these FAQs matched the needs of stakeholders, I surveyed a list of past clients to gather feedback about the information presented. Using feedback from the clients, I finalized the questions included in the guide. 

This is a model of a theory used to support students in the Learning Specialist Program.

Learning Specialist Growth Pyramid


This infographic was created as a model for Learning Specialists to follow when meeting with students. The model is used to help Learning Specialists consider the variety of internal and external factors that students enrolled in the Learning Specialist program may face as they grow as students. The content explored in the infographic resulted from a series of brainstorming sessions with the director of the Learning Specialist program as we discussed ways to conceptualize the various factors at play in the experiences many students with disabilities face while navigating higher education.
Tools Used: Canva


The basis for this model was inspired by human development theories such as Maslov's Hierarchy of Needs and the Social and Medical Models of Disability. After discussing with colleagues common challenges students enrolled in the program encountered, I created this infographic as a guide to help other Learning Specialists. 

An infographic comparing Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

Intrinsic Vs. Extrinsic Motivation


I designed this infographic to use with clients during a Learning Specialist session. The infographic was created with the goal of reducing a complex topic such as Motivation into a simplified overview that could guide students in developing a better understanding of how motivation influences their work. 

Tools Used: Canva


While I designed the infographic, the content was created in conjunction with a fellow Learning Specialist. The idea for the infographic came as a result of a brainstorming session with the goal of creating new learning materials that were responsive to the needs of our clients. A common topic that came up in our sessions was motivation and how it impacts the work habits of our clients.