The Great Green North


This video was created as an educational video to inform viewers about the impact of climate change on the climate as well as local businesses. 

Audience: General public, especially those involved in the winter sports community

Responsibilities: Video Production, Graphic Design

Tools Used: Adobe Premiere Pro, Garage Band

Problem and Solution

While many individuals may see the effects of climate change on winter, they do not often think of the implications for industries closely tied to winter activities. The effects of climate change are multifaceted and can impact everything from the availability of food products to damaging local economies. By educating the general public about the widespread impact of climate change, we can inspire even those who are not concerned with the impact on the environment to take action.


Bloom's Taxonomy

The video addresses two major skills in Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analyze and Evaluate.

Made to Stick: S.U.C.C.E.S. Principles 

My video used multiple elements from the “Made to Stick Principles” in order to best address how people learn. The first element my video addresses in “Concrete”. In order to address this principle I took footage from the actual town and mountain that my short video focuses on, and showed the viewers first hand what the impact of climate change looks like. The second principle I addressed was “Credible” by including screenshots of information from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) that discussed the historical changes of snowfall, and included several clippings of news stories that highlighted the negative impact climate change has had on the ski industry as a whole. The final elements I addressed were “Emotions” and “Stories” by incorporating my story of learning how to snowboard and my love for the small ski town of North Conway. My aim in using these principles was to make a connection with the viewer so that they would tap into their own nostalgic feelings and make a stronger connection towards taking action against climate change.



This project involved several rounds of storyboarding. Storyboarding began with a general outline of the visuals and accompanying audio for each scene of the video. Once a general outline was created, the storyboard was reviewed with the objective of determining how specific shots would need to be taken, and the B-Roll needed to fill out the video. A second story board draft was then created to include the B-Roll shots. The final iteration of the story board included ques for signaling throughout the video. 

Accessibility Check

I ensured my video was accessible to all viewers by including my script in the captions so that all viewers were able to follow along. In addition, when I included words on screen for signaling, I chose to keep the text in a simple white font against a black screen in order to make the visuals easy for viewers to access. While narrating the video I tried to keep my tone consistent and my spacing and pronunciation clear so that all viewers would have an easy time understanding what I was saying. 


The video was developed using Adobe Premiere Pro for visuals and Garage Band to record audio. 


As a subject matter expert on snowboarding, this project challenged me to take something I love deeply and use that passion to engage others about the topic. Although many individuals enjoy winter sports such as snowboarding and skiing, less individuals are willing to make changes to their behaviors in order to protect the climate needed to sustain such a hobby. After researching the widespread impact of climate change beyond environmental effects, I realized that climate change will impact individuals outside of the winter sport community. I used this angle to channel my passion for snowboarding and winter into creating a product that would resonate with the average individual. By directly tying together the impact of climate change to local businesses, I could engage a large audience in a discussion about climate change.